AI 360°Model – Unlock the benefits of Artificial Intelligence

We’re in the midst of a fevered period of hype about how artificial intelligence will shape the future of work. But, as Nigel Duffy, Global AI Innovation Leader at EY, says: “while there is a lot of noise regarding AI, there’s been a lack of in-depth discussion and analysis of how it’s actually going to transform businesses.”

AI 360°Model - Unlock the benefits of Artificial Intelligence

We’re in the midst of a fevered period of hype about how artificial intelligence will shape the future of work. But, as Nigel Duffy, Global AI Innovation Leader at EY, says: “while there is a lot of noise regarding AI, there’s been a lack of in-depth discussion and analysis of how it’s actually going to transform businesses.”

The journey to digital transformation through AI isn’t a clear or straightforward one. Technology is changing and developing all the time. The myriad, almost endless, potential uses of AI are both exciting and overwhelming.

All of which means it can be difficult to know how to structure an approach to AI innovation. What are the conversations that will spark new ideas? How does a company assess whether its culture, and its leadership, promote innovation? What benefits of AI is it really harnessing – and where is it missing out? With this in mind, Microsoft has developed the AI 360° model. It’s a new way to think about digital transformation, built to help spark conversations and provide some strategic structure to digital transformation planning.

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