

Hiperautomação ágil e global com Izertis

A Hiperautomação, tendência tecnológica da próxima década, permite a automatização de tarefas e de processos empresariais através da combinação de Robotic Process Automation (RPA), com outras tecnologias disruptivas como Inteligência Artificial (IA), Machine Learning (ML), Process Mining e Processamento de Linguagem Natural (PLN).

Setor das TIC

We are a Technology Consulting firm that helps organizations in their Digital Metamorphosis process. Our differentiation is based on our offering of services and cutting-edge technologies, and on our modern, agile, innovative and flexible Culture.

Tisad (now IZERTIS) is specialized in data science as a service, BI solutions, and data analytics consulting. We help enterprise companies making better decisions on time by helping them in big data analytics and visualization. Our dedicated team is formed by software engineers, big data developers, data scientists, business analysts, and domain experts.
