Fortifying Networks Against Inbound Threats and Outbound Data Loss
Should be an Organizational Priority
Should be an Organizational Priority
We are one of the best companies to work for in Portugal. We won the first place in the category of Big companies, and we are in the 6th place of the top ten ranking of the best companies to work. This award is the representation of a true company‘s culture commitment.
A Palo Alto Networks (www.paloaltonetworks.com) é a maior empresa a nível mundialna área de cibersegurança. Sendo responsável pela invenção da Nova Geração de Firewalls (NGFW), tem vindo a consolidar a sua posição de liderança obtendo inúmeros reconhecimentos internacionais das mais importantes e prestigiadas organizações, como é o exemplo da Gartner que de forma consecutiva nos últimos 10 anos reconheceu a Palo Alto Networks como o fabricante lider para a categoria de Network Firewall. Hoje, é também a empresa que mais cresce ano após ano no mercado da ciber segurança, devido, essencialmente, à vasta experiência e compromisso com a inovação. A sua plataforma de segurança inovadora e disruptiva, integra soluções que vão desde a Nova Geração de Firewall, passando pela Proteção de Endpoints Avançada e Serviços Avançados de SOC (com mecanismos de Inteligência Artificial e Analítica no tratamento de dados e às capacidades inovadores de Automação) até à Protecção de tudo o que é executado na Cloud. Por serem desenvolvidas no contexto da plataforma estas funcionalidades permitem oferecer aos clientes medidas de segurança preventivas altamente automatizadas contra as ameaças à segurança, garantindo um nível de proteção superior aos métodos de prevenção tradicionais. A plataforma de segurança Palo Alto Networks permite às organizações avançar com as suas estratégias de digitalização e implementação de medidas tecnológicas – cloud ou mobile – enquanto mantém uma visibilidade e controlo total, para garantir que os seus sistemas e dados estão seguros.
Unipartner is a consulting and system integration services company that works with government organizations, financial institutions and commercial enterprises to solve their most demanding IT and business challenges. offering Unipartner offerings include consulting & advisory services, application services, cloud & infrastructure services, cybers
Saphety’s electronic invoicing solutions help to automate and optimize business processes, with numerous advantages and associated savings. Whether issuing or receiving invoices, our solutions are ready to suit multiple realities, regardless of geography, industry, volume, and legal or technological requirements. Saphety is a part of Sovos, a global company capable of meeting your tax, regulatory and eInvoicing compliance needs anywhere you do business, with more than 2,400 employees working in 14+ countries, and supporting tens of thousands of customers (including half the Fortune 500) that operate in more than 70 countries.
Founded more than 20 years ago in Sunnyvale, California, Fortinet continues to be a driving force in the evolution of cybersecurity and the convergence of networking and security. Securing people, devices, and data everywhere is our mission. To that end, our portfolio of over 50 enterprise-grade products is the largest integrated offering available
UiPath is on a mission to uplevel knowledge work so more people can work more creatively, collaboratively, and strategically. The AI-powered UiPath Business Automation Platform combines the leading robotic process automation (RPA) solution with a full suite of capabilities to understand, automate, and operate end-to-end processes, offering unpreced
Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG) uncomplicates data storage, forever. Pure delivers a cloud experience that empowers every organization to get the most from their data while reducing the complexity and expense of managing the infrastructure behind it. Pure’s commitment to providing true storage as-a-service gives customers the agility to meet changing data needs at speed and scale, whether they are deploying traditional workloads, modern applications, containers, or more. Pure believes it can make a significant impact in reducing data center emissions worldwide through its environmental sustainability efforts, including designing products and solutions that enable customers to reduce their carbon and energy footprint. And with a certified customer satisfaction score in the top one percent of B2B companies, Pure’s ever-expanding list of customers are among the happiest in the world. For more information please visit www.purestorage.com